Our Recommendation

Set Your Electric Water Heater As Per Our Recommendation:

The recommended temperature is 50 to 65 ° C.

Too cold you will have risks of contamination of the water, too hot you will increase the energy consumption.

Program your water heater at off-peak times. Electricity is about 30% cheaper, 8 hours a day. Off-peak hours can be consecutive or split into two-time slots.

The average electricity consumption for domestic hot water heating is about 800 kWh /person/year.

The consumption of hot water for one person per year is 20 m3 (a little less than 55 l of hot water per day).

Here is the difference in the price of peak/peak hours on the consumption of the hot water tank:

2/3 in peak hours and 1/3 in off-peak hours   = 460$ per year

0% in peak hours and 100% in off-peak hours   = 400$ per year